Tuesday 5 February 2013

2013 - Bring It On.


Bring It On

2012 for us was good! Having only the 2 photographers we still managed to build up a good name & reputation of the Stanced.Imaging name. Some great shoots were arranged meeting some amazing car fans with some of the cleanest show cars around. For me the highlight of 2012 was definately Players Show 6.0 down in Essex! With a 3rd photographer now on the team, all major show dates released our cameras are now locked, loaded & ready to shoot the 13' season! Hopefully kicking off with a visit to Ultimate Dubs UK in March!
At the start of January we came across the work of a very talented, Manchester based photographer, Andrew Barlow, 22 from Manchester has quite clearly got a an amazing talent & eye for detail. Which is why we were so happy to have him on board. With himself being a big Light painting fanatic, something never seen before over at S.I HQ it should bring an interesting new style to the team, the work produced & the imapct we make on the sceneany previous or new clients for this year! Looking to shoot more cars than ever with more variety up & down the UK.
We have some big things planned for 2013 so keep your eyes peeled!
But for now i shall leave you with a message from me & the rest of the team at S.I
We cant wait to bring you some of the UK's best automotive goodness throughout this year attending all local meets, cruises, shows & shooting more features with some of the Uks top show cars!
From The team,
Slater O'Brien - Head Photographer & Founder - Lincoln
Sam Swallow - Head Cinematographer & secomd photographer - Lincoln
Andrew Barlow - Photographer - Manchester
Leaving you with the below image from a first light painting shoot in Lincoln on 2/2/13
A good friend of mine Kane Kelly's static Seat Leon, on Alphards & being notched for more lows this weekend.
Peace out.

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