Thursday 10 January 2013

Stanced.Imaging - 2012 review

Stanced.Imaging was set up at the start of 2012 with 2 friends sharing the same passion of automotive photography. Both committed to turn a small weekend hobby into a well known UK name in the automotive photography scene. With features for I Heart Haters, a UK blog who feature the UK's best show cars & photographers work. And work being shown in USA on culture blog...JustStance.

We pride ourselves of creating only the best work for our clients. Shooting the best scene stanced cars in the UK. Such as the White Mazda above, these are the types of cars we try to pride ourselves on & work around, as the main style we go for. But we will be happy to shoot anyones car or even bike if they require our services, we are always happy to help.

We have had a wide range of cars to shoot over the past year, having even done 2 motorcycle shoots. But with everything from the RWD Jap Mazda to this FWD dub shown above the scene has proved you can take most cars, slam them, give it some new shoes & nice unique touches and it can be a scene killer. We try to improve & expand on our unique style each time we shoot a car, always out scouting the best locations to shoot these works of art in to best suit each car, as one car may look amazing in one location but not in another. So having a wide array of locations in our book of virtual notes always helps. Always looking for new locations, new cars & new team members we definately have the devotion to make our name one of the biggest, well known & most sought after in the UK & even grab the attention of the USA, who have the biggest scene, so one day to capture the US scene & show them that the UK is just as good if not better!

The team, at the moment we have 2 team members, the Head boss & photographer Slater O'Brien, then head writer & 2nd togger' & head cinematographer Sam Swallow. I (Slater O'Brien) Have been into photography as a small hobby for 7 years but over the past 2 my interest has grown from a hobby into a passion, a way of life & my photography is something i simply could not live without. I shoot on a Canon EOS 50d, with a 17-85mm IS USM, EF 50mm F/1.8 II & 75-300mm III USM lenses, whilst Sam shoots with a Canon 600d with a selection of lenses.

Over 2013 we are aiming to improve greatly, gaining the same respect we did in 2012 & a little more on top. Aiming for regular blog features on others than our own, online magazines, published magazines such as Fast Car magazine, PVW magazine & Japanese performance. USA features too building a name all over the scene as well as in the mid european scenes...

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed. For more work please visit & Facebook search "Stanced.Imaging"We are looking forward to providing you with even more amazing work as shown above throughout the year.
